Raine's Past and Current VA Work

Special thank you to my friend Maddie for drawing the image of my sona!

I’ve been practicing voice acting by myself for the past 3 years, but here’s the projects that I’ve been fortuate enough to voice in! (Including any former VA work.)

Small disclaimer: Some of the roles listed may be for projects that are not yet finished/fully public.



  • HS Hero, Rococo, RW Kel, & Understudy Capt. Spaceboy - Melody Dubs

  • RW Kel & Capt. Spaceboy - Basil's Garden

  • HS Hero & Capt. Spaceboy - Starry Picnic

  • HS + RW Hero & RW Kel - Sillyspace Park

  • RW Kel - Valentine Dubs

  • HS Hero, Spaceboy, & Rococo - Piano Dubs

  • HS Hero, Sunny, RW Kel, & Spaceboy - RELEASE ENERGY (Full Omori Playthrough Fandub)

  • Sprout Mole Mike & Pluto - Limbo Dubs

  • Capt. Spaceboy - OMODUB

  • HS Hero and Spaceboy - SEKAIMORI Fandubs (noticing a pattern yet? /j)

Original Projects

  • Dirk - Crimes of Alorion 2

  • Vanta, VIN & Reverie - Close Friend's OCs

  • LOW POLY / Jellosome - Cohen's Testing Room

  • Eteled & Austin - Encoded Fallacy

  • Abbie & Engel - FPE/KV: ASWOT

  • Sunny & Jasper - Face Your Fears (Omori Fan Game)

  • Abbie - Incompetent Army/CDLL

Following names that I may be credited as:
- RaineTheVA (or sometimes RaineDoesVA)
- Raine O'Brien

Will be updated as I get more roles, and certain roles may be removed for personal reasons.